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Greek Army WW2
Like many of the smaller nations in World War 2 Greece was ill prepared for the conflict with an army suffering from a shortage of modern equipment. None the less it succeeded in resisting an Italian invasion from Albania until the massive intervention of German troops from Yugoslavia overwhelmed their defences.
In 1940, the Greek army consisted of six infantry and nine mountain divisions, four mountain brigades and a cavalry division totalling some 430,000 men. Despite heavy losses during the Italian invasion this had expanded to 540,000 men before the German assault. Infantry divisions had three regiments plus a divisional artillery regiment. Mountain divisions had less artillery (4 batteries instead of 9). Infantry regiments had two battalions each with three rifle and one MG companies.
The campaign of 1940/41 is described in the feature article Blunder in the Mountains on this website and has a bibliography and order of battle. It includes details of the battlefields today that are also covered in our travel section's tour of the Epirus and Macedonian regions of Greece. Osprey has a campaign book, which is a good starting point for reading about the campaign.
The Editor's Greek WW2 army is in 15mm scale, originally for Rapid Fire but now rebased for use with FoW or Blitzkrieg Commander rules. There are no specific Greek troops available but figures can be adapted from Italian, British, French and Spanish Civil War ranges. Most of the figures below come from the Peter Pig ranges supplemented by FoW.
The editor's 28mm army largely comes from a range of figures by David Burns distributed by Rif Raf Miniatures.
In 1940, the Greek army consisted of six infantry and nine mountain divisions, four mountain brigades and a cavalry division totalling some 430,000 men. Despite heavy losses during the Italian invasion this had expanded to 540,000 men before the German assault. Infantry divisions had three regiments plus a divisional artillery regiment. Mountain divisions had less artillery (4 batteries instead of 9). Infantry regiments had two battalions each with three rifle and one MG companies.
The campaign of 1940/41 is described in the feature article Blunder in the Mountains on this website and has a bibliography and order of battle. It includes details of the battlefields today that are also covered in our travel section's tour of the Epirus and Macedonian regions of Greece. Osprey has a campaign book, which is a good starting point for reading about the campaign.
The Editor's Greek WW2 army is in 15mm scale, originally for Rapid Fire but now rebased for use with FoW or Blitzkrieg Commander rules. There are no specific Greek troops available but figures can be adapted from Italian, British, French and Spanish Civil War ranges. Most of the figures below come from the Peter Pig ranges supplemented by FoW.
The editor's 28mm army largely comes from a range of figures by David Burns distributed by Rif Raf Miniatures.